Referent/in „Internationale Angelegenheiten“
am Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital
Ihre Aufgaben:
Die Inhaberin/der Inhaber dieser Stelle wird mit dem strategischen Aufbau und der Implementierung und Koordination der internationalen Projekte im Bereich seltene Erkrankungen des Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspitals betraut. Dies beinhaltet im Einzelnen:
- Strategische Weiterentwicklung des Departments „International Affairs“ sowie Implementierung und Koordination von internationalen Kooperationsprojekten und gemeinsamen Forschungsvorhaben im Bereich seltene Kindererkrankungen weltweit
- Vertiefung der Vernetzung auf fachlicher und thematischer Ebene im Bereich Forschung für seltene Erkrankungen sowie in der Lehre
- Unterstützung bei der konzeptionellen Erarbeitung neuer Strukturen zur universitären Forschung an und mit Patienten mit seltenen Erkrankungen/PID (primäre Immundefekte)
- Ausweitung der int. Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Forschung, Bildung und Mobilität
- Koordination und Betreuung der Weiterbildungsprogramme für Nachwuchswissenschaftler
- Schaffung von Kompetenzzentren
- organisatorische Ausrichtung von Tagungen, Workshops, Strategietreffen, Sommerschulen und Fortbildungsaktivitäten sowie der Studien- und Forschungsaufenthalte der Wissenschaftler
- Bildung einer Schnittstelle zur Hochschule, zu internationalen Forschungsinstituten und zu weiteren Stakeholdern
- Konzeptionelle Sicherung der Nachhaltigkeit der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten
- PR- und Fundraisingaktivitäten (Geldmittelakquise) für Anbahnung und langfristiges Fortbestehen der internationalen Netzwerke
- Eruierung von Möglichkeiten weiterer netzwerkübergreifender Forschungsaktivitäten und Vernetzung zu den einzelnen Fachgesellschaften weltweit.
Unsere Anforderungen:
- Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium im Bereich Internationales Management, Wirtschafts- oder Verwaltungswissenschaften, int. Politikwissenschaften oder ähnliches
- Erfahrung in internationaler Arbeit, internationale Vernetzung
- Mind. 3 Jahre Erfahrung im internationalen Projektmanagement und internationalen Beziehungen
- Erfahrung im Aufbau und der Betreuung von internationalen Kooperationen
- Multikulturelles Bewusstsein
- Berufliche Auslandserfahrung, idealerweise in internationalen Organisationen
- Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
- Weitere Fremdsprachenkenntnisse erwünscht (v.a. Französisch, Spanisch)
- Freude am Organisieren und Multitasking
- Dynamische, offene und begeisterungsfähige Art
Unser Angebot:
Wir bieten eine interessante, internationale und vielseitige Tätigkeit mit Gestaltungsspielraum in einem engagierten multiprofessionellen Team. Flache Hierarchien und ein internationales Umfeld machen die Stelle besonders attraktiv. Die Vergütung erfolgt im Schema des Tarifvertrages Länder TV-L. Eine Beschäftigung in Teilzeit ist möglich. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf ein Jahr befristet, mit der Option auf Verlängerung.
Schwerbehinderte Bewerber/innen werden bei ansonsten im Wesentlichen gleicher Eignung bevorzugt. Vorstellungskosten können leider nicht erstattet werden. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Lydia Wiesböck. Ihre Bewerbung (Motivationsschreiben, CV, Universitätsdiploma und Arbeitszeugnisse) richten Sie bitte bis zum 31.1.2016 per Email an Frau Lydia Wiesböck.
2 Postdoc Stellen
im Bereich Neutrophile Biologie / Maus Immunologie
The research group of Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians-University and Gene Center, Munich, Germany, offers
Two Postdoc Positions in Neutrophil Biology/Mouse Immunology
Our interdisciplinary and international research group studies basic mechanisms of the development and function of the blood and the immune system using infantile monogenetic disorders as paradigms. One main focus lies on the identification of novel genetic defects based on next generation sequencing (NGS). We are also interested in stem cell gene therapy. You will find more information at
Currently, we are offering two Postdoc positions funded by the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant) with a focus on the biology of neutrophil granulocytes and mouse immunology. The successful candidates will analyze the genetic basis of myeloid cell defects and perform functional studies in mouse models.
Your profile:
• Highly motivated scientist (PhD or MD) who shares our enthusiasm for science and research
• Expertise in immunological, cell biological and genetic experimental techniques
• Willingness to perform animal research and experience with mouse models
• Very good English language skills
• Flexibility, proactive attitude and interpersonal skills
We offer to participate in an ambitious research project at the interface between basic research and clinic in a stimulating interdisciplinary environment and an excellently equipped laboratory.
The position is initially limited to 2 years. The salary is according to TV-L. The
Munich University Hospital is an equal opportunity employer. Handicapped
candidates with equal qualifications will be given preference. We regret that we are unable to cover travel expenses for interviews. For further information please contact Dr. Regina Steck (089/4400-57977).
Research Environment:
The Munich University Hospital is one of the largest and most efficient university medical centers in Germany and Europe. The Gene Center is an interdisciplinary institute of the LMU providing a dynamic, interactive and internationally diverse scientific environment, located within the biomedical research campus in Munich-Großhadern.
To apply, please send a PDF-file with the subject „Name.First name:Postdoc“ to or send your written application to Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph Klein, Ärztlicher Direktor, Kinderklinik und Kinderpoliklinik im Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital, LMU München, Lindwurmstr. 4, 80337 München, Germany.
Postdoc Stelle und PhD Stelle
im Bereich Drug Development am Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital
The Department of Molecular Pediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany offers the positions of
1 Postdoc (E13)
1 PhD (E13/2)
for a 3 years collaborative research project. The project is entitled "Identification of pharmacological chaperones for the treatment of the protein misfolding disorders phenylketonuria and medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency”.
Orphan genetic diseases are frequently associated with the phenotype of protein misfolding. Missense mutations lead to conformational destabilization and degradation of the affected protein eventually leading to a loss-of-function phenotype. For a number of diseases small molecule compounds (pharmacological chaperones) have been identified that bear the potential of conformational stabilization of the misfolded proteins. Our research of the past years focused on the molecular mechanisms behind protein misfolding disorders with loss-of-function phenotype, such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD). Moreover, our work contributed to the development of an approved pharmacological chaperone drug for the treatment of phenylketonuria. The current project aims to identify novel small molecule compounds with pharmacological chaperone efficacy for PKU and MCADD. In collaboration with biotech companies (Crelux, Martinsried; Nanotemper, Munich), the full sequence of high-throughput hit identification, functional validation, characterization of binding modes, and co-crystallization will be covered.
Applicants should have a background in biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacy or biology as well as good knowledge on methods of protein purification and protein biochemistry. Experience in structural biology is welcome but not mandatory.
We offer an academic working environment in a multidisciplinary team of physicians, chemists, and biologists. The project will cover aspects of both basic as well as translational research. The work in the laboratories of the children’s hospital in strong collaboration with biotech companies will provide in-depth insight into the process of drug development.
Soeren W. Gersting, MD
Postdoc Stelle
im Bereich bio-molekulare Medizin und wissenschaftliches Management eines großen EU-finanzierten Projektes
The Pediatric Pneumology research group of Prof. Dr. Matthias Griese in the Research Center of Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany is offering a
Postdoctoral Position in bio-molecular medicine and scientific management of a large EU funded project.
The position will be open starting from 01.02.2014 (TV-L 13). As the coordinators of the Project "Orphans Unite: chILD better together – European Management Platform for Childhood Interstitial Lung Diseases" (chILD-EU) we are directing the development of this international consortium. Here, the leading European clinical scientists and paediatric pulmonologists collaborate to assemble and follow children with well defined rare pulmonary disease entities in a pan-European database and biobank. The project will lead to a better care of patients afflicted by rare chILD and lead to improved quality of life for children with these incurable diseases.
The position encompasses on the one hand the management coordination of the register and biobank, participation in the structural implementation of studies, the cooperation with the programming group, the chILD Advisory Groups and the chILD-EU Trial Panels to guarantee adequate implementation of the electronic data capture system. On the other hand, molecular and cellular mechanisms of some very specific genetic interstitial lung diseases will be investigated in great detail in cell culture and patient samples.
We are looking for a highly motivated, team-orientated individual who finds joy in coordination and scientific work and is able to manage scientific projects. Practical and theoretical expertise in molecular biology and genetics with the necessary informatics are indispensible. Also English language proficiency (both spoken and written) and skills in communication to a wide range of scientists and lay people as well as writing of scientific publications are required.
We are offering a scientifically motivating, international environment with an excellence in management and research with links to academics, industry and lay people, together with a superb opportunity for scientific development and a very friendly working atmosphere. Candidates should send their full application in German or English including CV, cover letter, copies of relevant documents and contact data of two references per E-mail to:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Griese
Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital
Ludwig-Maximilians University
Lindwurmstr. 2a
D-80337 Munich
Tel. : +49-(0)89-5160-7870 and +49-(0)89-5160-7871
HiWi Position
Eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft bei Dr. Fabiana Perocchi zu besetzen
A HiWi position is available at the Gene Center of the Ludwig-Maximillians University in Grosshadern/Munich starting from Nov 2013.
Our research group aims at reconstructing mitochondrial signaling networks that generate in response to physiological and pathophysiological stimuli. To this goal, we combine systems biology
approaches with traditional genetic,biochemical, and physiological studies in yeast, mouse, and human cells.
In collaboration with the research teams composed of biologists and mathematicians, the successful candidate will work on the following potential projects: the development of algorithms dedicated to the discovery of new protein functions involved in mitochondria biology, the setup of mathematical models to understand mitochondrial calcium signaling pathways, large-scale data analysis, and development of in-house databases.
Required qualifications:
A bachelor degree in any of the following subjects is preferred: Mathematics, computer science, statistics, bioinformatics and computational biology, together with a high interest in large-scale biological data analysis and modeling.
Required skills:
-Advanced knowledge in unix environment
-Advanced knowledge in programming in PERL. Knowledge of Matlab would be preferred.
-Basic knowledge of rational database
-Basic knowledge of biology and bioinformatics.
-Basic knowledge of differential equations and statistics.
-Basic knowledge of parallel programming.
Applications including CV and a short summary of past experiences (if any) should be sent to Dr. Fabiana Perocchi and Dr. Yiming Cheng at: